Kitigan Zibi Picture Dictionary
English | French | Translation | Page # | Audio |
Beverages | Boissons | Menikwāniwang | 118 | |
Coffee | Café | Kāpewābo | 119 |
Tea | Thé | Anībīshābō | 119 |
Soda pop | Boisson gazeuse | Shīwābō | 119 |
Apple juice | Jus de pommes | Wābiminābō | 119 |
Orange juice | Jus d’orange | Pokideyminābo | 119 |
Medicine drink | Boisson médicamenteuse | Mashkikī-wābō | 119 |
Cedar tea | Thé de cèdre | Kijik-wābō | 119 |
Fruits: | Fruits: | Minanak | 48 | |
Grapes | Raisins | Showeminan | 49 |
Food: | Nourriture | Midjim | 54 | |
Fry bread | Pain frit | Sāte nabgidjīzigan | 57 |
Cheese | Fromage | Shìgwāgamichigan | 57 |
Meat pie | Tourtière ou pâté à la viande | Wīyās tebāte | 57 |
Molasses | Mélasse | Nāmenās | 57 |
Maple syrup | Sirop d’érable | Ininātigo nāminās | 58 |
Candy | Bonbon | Sizibākwadōns | 58 |
Bread | Pain | Pakwejigan | 58 |
Bannock | Bannick | Nabagidjizigan | 58 |
Honey | Miel | Āmō-sizibākwad | 58 |
Pie | Tarte | Tebāte | 58 |
Cookies | Biscuits | Wishkobi-pakwejigane-sag | 58 |
Vegetables: | Légumes | Kitigananak | 51 | |
Carrot | Carotte | Ozāwokādeyāb | 53 |
Lettuce | Laitue | Kichi-ashkibag | 53 |
Squash | Courge | Pakosimàn | 53 |
Green beans | Fèves vertes | Pīndjikomān | 53 |
Radish | Radis | Miskokàdeyàbīns (an) | 53 |
Corn | Maïs | Mandāmin | 53 |
Household things | Articles ménagers | Migwam ka inabidak | 85 | |
Fork | Fourchette | Padakahigan | 91 |
Spoon | Cuillère | Emikwān | 91 |
Knife | Couteau | Mōkomān | 91 |
Frying pan | Poêle à frire | Sāsekwān | 91 |
Cup | Tasse | Minikwāgan | 91 |
Plate | Assiette | Onāgan | 91 |
Kitchen | Cuisine | Chībākwe-pakesāyā | 92 |
Living room | Salon | Anwātā pakesāyā | 92 |
Bedroom | Chambre à coucher | Nibe-pakesāyā | 92 |
House | Maison | Wīgiwām | 92 |
Bathroom | Salle de bain | Kabāshimo pakesāyā | 92 |
Candle | Chandelle | Wāsakonendigan | 92 |
Stairs | Escaliers | Akwāndawāgan | 92 |
Miscellaneous: | Divers | Anōdj-kego | 120 | |
Cradleboard | Porte-bébé | Tikināgan | 121 |
Teething necklace | Collier de dentition | Bebens wībidi nābikāgans | 121 |
Animals: | Animaux | Awesisak | 35 | |
Rabbit | Lapin | Wābōz | 42 |
Cat | Chat | Kājagens | 42 |
Dog | Chien | Animosh | 42 |
Bird | Oiseau | Pineshīnj | 42 |
Relatives / People | Famille / Personnes | Chīnawendāganag | 18 | |
Aunt | Tante | Zigos (paternal) Noshenj (maternal) | 22 |
Uncle | Oncle | Mishōmenj (paternal) Jishenj (maternal) | 22 |
Cousin | Cousin | Nitāwis | 22 |
Niece | Nièce | Shimis | 22 |
Nephew | Neveu | Ningwanis (paternal aunt or maternal uncle) Ōjimis (maternal only) | 22 |
Child | Enfant | Abinōdjīnjish | 22 |
Elder | Aîné | Kitizī | 23 |
Wife | Épouse | Wīdigemāgan | 23 |
Husband | Époux | Wīdigemāgan | 23 |
Friend | Ami | Wīdjikiwe | 23 |
Neighbor | Voisin | Widjigendāgan | 23 |
Ancestors | Ancêtres | Ānike-mishōmisinābaneg | 23 |
Colors: | Couleurs | Inanzowin | 12 | |
Pink | Rose | Wābine-miskwā | 13 |
Grey | Gris | Shībingwā | 13 |
Places: | Endroits / Lieux | Wigamigon | 122 | |
Band office | Bureau de bande | Niganisi-ogamig | 123 |
School | École | Kikināmādinān | 123 |
Health center / clinic | Centre de santé / Clinique | Andokoniniwogamig | 123 |
Grocery store | Épicerie | Mīdjim-adāwewigamig | 123 |
Gas station | Poste d’essence/ Station service | Mōshkōdjibiwigamig | 123 |
Church | Église | Ayamiyemīgiwām | 123 |
Funeral home | Salon funéraire | Nibebi-ogāmig | 123 |
Elder’s housing | Logements pour aînés / Foyer pour personnes âgées | Kitizi-ogāmig | 124 |
Radio station | Station de radio | Nondàgochigewigamig | 124 |
Police station | Poste de police | Takoniwe-ogamig | 124 |
Daycare | Garderie | Ganawadāwaso-gamig | 124 |
Outside | Dehors / À l’extérieur | Agwadjīng | 124 |
House | Maison | Wīgiwām / mīgiwām | 124 |
Four sacred medicines: | Les quatre plantes médicinales | New manidōwizi mashkikin | 125 | |
Sage | Sauge | Apabowashk | 125 |
Cedar | Cèdre | Kījik | 125 |
Sweetgrass | Foin d’odeur (glycérie) | Nōkwewashk | 125 |
Tobacco | Tabac | Nasemā | 125 |
Ceremonial practices / items | Articles utilisés dans les cérémonies | Manidōwiziwin | 126 | |
Drum | Tambour | Tewehigan | 126 |
Rattle | Hochet | Shinawōdjigan | 126 |
Abalone shell | Coquilles d’ormier | Mītis | 126 |
Eagle feather | Plume d’aigle | Kiniw mīgwan | 126 |
Pray | Prière | Ayamīyewin | 126 |
Sweat lodge | Tente de sudation | Madōdison | 127 |
Songs | Chansons | Nigamonan | 127 |
Pipe | Pipe | Opwāgan | 127 |
Ribbon skirt | Jupe de ruban | Tenibānd madjigōnde | 127 |
Medicine pouch | Sac de plantes médicinales | Pīndjigosān | 127 |
Feast | Festin | Magoshewin | 127 |
Ceremony | Cérémonie | Ijitwāwin | 128 |
Tobacco tie | Offrande de tabac | Nasemā nābikāgan | 128 |
Medicine man (woman) | Homme-médecine/Femme-médecine, shaman | Mashkikīwininī / Mashkikīkwe | 128 |
Wampum belt | Wampum | Mīkisesimik | 128 |
Teepee | Tipi | Pikogān | 128 |
Events: Holidays-occasions | Événements: Vacances – Fêtes | Ejiwebak: Anwāse-Kijigad | 129 | |
Christmas | Noël | Nībā-ayamiyāniwan | 130 |
New years | Nouvelle année | Anamikodādināniwang | 130 |
Easter | Pâques | Ābidjibā | 130 |
Halloween | Halloween | Nibā-madwesin | 130 |
National Aboriginal day (June 21st) | Journée nationale des autochtones (21 juin) | Anishinābe kijik | 130 |
Birthday/happy birthday | Fête / Bonne fête | Minawāzon tibishkaman | 131 |
Wedding | Mariage | Nībawiwin ōnās | 131 |
Funeral | Funérailles / Obsèques | Ningwākīwin | 131 |
Pow wow | Pow wow | Mamandōse kijik | 131 |
Veteran’s day (rememberance day Nov.11th) | Jour des anciens combattants / Jour du Souvenir (11 novembre) | Shimaganish kijik | 131 |
Earth element: | Éléments liés à la terre | Aki madiziwin | 93 | |
Mountain | Montagne | Pikwadin | 98 |
Trap line | Ligne de trappe (Sentier de piégeage) | Anokī wakī | 98 |
Sunset | Crépuscule / Coucher du soleil | Pangishimo | 98 |
Sunrise | Aube / Lever du soleil | Mōkaham | 99 |
Full moon | Pleine lune | Mōshkine apkizi tibik-kizis | 99 |
Moonlight | Clair de lune | Kījigate | 99 |
Flower | Fleurs | Wābigon | 99 |
Seeds | Graines / semences | Mīnikan | 99 |
Planting | Plantation | Kitige | 99 |
Trade: | Commerce | Adawewin | 102 | |
Penny | Sou | Sōmaniki | 103 |
Nickel | Cinq sous | Nānan-sōmāniki | 103 |
Dime | Dix sous | Mitāsōmāniki | 103 |
Quarter | Vingt-cinq sous | Trānso | 104 |
Two dollars (toonie) | Deux piastres (toonie) | Nij wābik | 104 |
5 dollars | 5 dollars / 5 piastres (piastre est un mot utilisé surtout au Québec) | Nānawābik | 104 |
10 dollars | 10 dollars/ 10 piastres | Midas wābik | 104 |
20 dollars | 20 dollars/ 20 piastres | Nijtana | 104 |
30 dollars | 30 dollars/ 30 piastres | Niso-midana | 104 |
40 dollars | 40 dollars/ 40 piastres | New-midana | 104 |
50 dollars | 50 dollars/ 50 piastres | Nāno-midana | 104 |
60 dollars | 60 dollars/ 60 piastres | Nigodwās-midana | 105 |
70 dollars | 70 dollars/ 70 piastres | Nìjwāso-midana | 105 |
80 dollars | 80 dollars/ 80 piastres | Nishwāso-midana | 105 |
90 dollars | 90 dollars/ 90 piastres | Shāngaso-midana | 105 |
100 dollars | 100 dollars/ 100 piastres | Mitāso-midana | 105 |
Daily actions: | Pratiques quotidiennes | Tasin-kājigakin ahindiwin | 132 | |
Work | Travail / Travailler | Ondamita | 132 |
Play | Jeu / Jouer | Odamino | 132 |
Sleep | Sommeil / Dormir | Nibā | 132 |
Wake up | Réveil / Réveiller | Koshkozi | 133 |
Clean up | Nettoyage / Nettoyer | Nahīkādjige/ pīnichige | 133 |
Stand up | Debout / Se tenir debout | Nānibawin | 133 |
Sit down | Assis / S’asseoir | Namadabin | 133 |
Eat | Manger | Wisinin | 133 |
Expressions: feelings | Expressions : Sentiments | Enimandjiwowin | 134 | |
Laugh | Rire | Pāpi / pāpiwin | 134 |
Cry | Pleurer | Mawi | 134 |
Smile | Sourire | Papīngwenī | 134 |
Happy | Heureux | Pāpinenindam | 135 |
Sad | Triste | Kashkenindam | 135 |
Mad | Faché / furieux (Very mad) | Nishkadisi | 135 |
Excited | Excité / Impatient | Ombiz-i | 135 |
Nervous | Nerveux | Kagweshiz-i | 135 |
Time of day: | Heure du jour | Epīchā-kījigak | 136 | |
Clock | Horloge | Tibahigiziswān | 137 |
What time is it? | Quelle heure est-il? | Anin endaso-tibahiganeg? | 137 |
Minute | Minute | Tibahigāns | 137 |
Hour | Heure | Tibahigan | 137 |
Second | Seconde | Pisi-tibahigāns | 137 |
One o’clock | Une heure | Pejig-tibahiganed | 137 |
1:15 | Une heure et quinze (minutes) | Pejig-tibahigan mitaso ashidj nanan tibahigāns | 138 |
Two o’clock | Deux heures | Nīj-tibahiganed | 138 |
2:30 | Deux heures trente | Nīj-tibahiganed ashidj ābita | 138 |
Three o’clock | Trois heures | Niso-tibahiganed | 138 |
3:30 | Trois heures trente | Niso-tibahiganed ashidj ābita | 138 |
Four o’clock | Quatre heures | New-tibahiganed | 139 |
4:45 | Quatre heure quarante-cinq / Cinq heures moins quart | Mitaswe ashidj new chiwā-mashi nānan tibahiganed | 139 |
Five o’clock | Cinq heures | Nanan-tibahiganed | 139 |
6 o’clock | Six heures | Ningodwāso-tibahiganed | 139 |
7 o’clock | Sept heures | Nijwāso-tibahiganed | 139 |
8 o’clock | Huit heures | Nishwāso-tibahiganed | 140 |
9 o’clock | Neuf heures | Shāngaso-tibahiganed | 140 |
10 o’clock | Dix heures | Mitāso-tibahiganed | 140 |
11 o’clock | Onze heures | Mitāso-ashidj-pejig-tibahiganed | 140 |
Midnight | Minuit | Ābitā-tibikad | 140 |
Numbers 21-100 | Nombres 21 à 100 | Agidasowin | 24 | |
21: twenty-one | Vingt-et-un | Nijtana ashidj pejik | 27 |
22: twenty-two | Vingt-deux | Nijtana ashidj nij | 27 |
23: twenty-three | Vingt-trois | Nijtana ashidj niswe | 27 |
24: twenty-four | Vingt-quatre | Nijtana ashidj new | 27 |
25: twenty-five | Vingt-cinq | Nijtana ashidj nanan | 27 |
26: twenty-six | Vingt-six | Nijtana ashidj ningodwāswi | 27 |
27: twenty-seven | Vingt-sept | Nijtana ashidj nījwāswi | 27 |
28: twenty-eight | Vingt-huit | Nijtana ashidj nishwāswi | 27 |
29: twenty-nine | Vingt-neuf | Nijtana ashidj shāngaswi | 27 |
30: thirty | Trente | Niso midana | 27 |
31: thirty-one | Trente-et-un | Niso midana ashidj pejik | 28 |
32: thirty-two | Trente-deux | Niso midana ashidj nij | 28 |
33: thirty-three | Trente-trois | Niso midana ashidj niswe | 28 |
34: thirty-four | Trente-quatre | Niso midana ashidj new | 28 |
35: thirty-five | Trente-cinq | Nisomidana ashidj nānan | 28 |
36: thirty-six | Trente-six | Niso midana ashidj nigodwāswe | 28 |
37: thirty-seven | Trente-sept | Niso midana ashidj nijwāswe | 28 |
38: thirty-eight | Trente-huit | Niso midana ashidj nishwāswe | 28 |
39: thirty-nine | Trente-neuf | Niso midana ashidj shāngaswe | 28 |
40: forty | Quarante | New midana | 28 |
41: forty-one | Quarante-et-un | New midana ashidj pejik | 29 |
42: forty-two | Quarante-deux | New midana ashidj nīj | 29 |
43: forty-three | Quarante-trois | New midana ashidj niswe | 29 |
44: forty-four | Quarante-quatre | New midana ashidj new | 29 |
45: forty-five | Quarante-cinq | New midana ashidj nānan | 29 |
46: forty-six | Quarante-six | New midana ashidj nigodwāswe | 29 |
47: forty-seven | Quarante-sept | New midana ashidj nījwāswe | 29 |
48: forty-eight | Quarante-huit | New midana ashidj nishwāswe | 29 |
49: forty-nine | Quarante-neuf | New midana ashidj shāngaswe | 29 |
50: fifty | Cinquante | Nāno midana | 29 |
51: fifty-one | Cinquante-un | Nāno midana ashidj pejik | 30 |
52: fifty-two | Cinquante-deux | Nāno midana ashidj nīj | 30 |
53: fifty-three | Cinquante-trois | Nāno midana ashidj niswe | 30 |
54: fifty-four | Cinquante-quatre | Nāno midana ashidj new | 30 |
55: fifty-five | Cinquante-cinq | Nāno midana ashidj nānan | 30 |
56: fifty-six | Cinquante-six | Nāno midana ashidj nigodwāswe | 30 |
57: fifty-seven | Cinquante-sept | Nāno midana ashidj nījwāswe | 30 |
58: fifty-eight | Cinquante-huit | Nāno midana ashidj nishwāswe | 30 |
59: fifty-nine | Cinquante-neuf | Nāno midana ashidj shāngaswe | 30 |
60: sixty | Soixante | Ningodwāsomidana | 30 |
61: sixty-one | Soixante-et-un | Ningodwāsomidana ashidj pejik | 31 |
62: sixty-two | Soixante-deux | Ningodwāsomidana ashidj nīj | 31 |
63: sixty-three | Soixante-trois | Ningodwāsomidana ashidj niswe | 31 |
64: sixty-four | Soixante-quatre | Ningodwāsomidana ashidj new | 31 |
65: sixty-five | Soixante-cinq | Ningodwāsomidana ashidj nānan | 31 |
66: sixty-six | Soixante-six | Ningodwāsomidana ashidj nigodwāswe | 31 |
67: sixty-seven | Soixante-sept | Ningodwāsomidana ashidj nījwāswe | 31 |
68: sixty-eight | Soixante-huit | Ningodwāsomidana ashidj nishwāswe | 31 |
69: sixty-nine | Soixante-neuf | Ningodwāsomidana ashidj shāngaswe | 31 |
70: seventy | Soixante-et-dix | Nījwāsomidana | 31 |
71: seventy-one | Soixante-et-onze | Nījwāsomidana ashidj pejik | 32 |
72: seventy-two | Soixante-et-douze | Nījwāsomidana ashidj nīj | 32 |
73: seventy-three | Soixante-et-treize | Nījwāsomidana ashidj niswe | 32 |
74: seventy-four | Soixante-et-quatorze | Nījwāsomidana ashidj new | 32 |
75: seventy-five | Soixante-et-quinze | Nījwāsomidana ashidj nānan | 32 |
76: seventy-six | Soixante-et-seize | Nījwāsomidana ashidj nigodwāswe | 32 |
77: seventy-seven | Soixante-et-dix-sept | Nījwāsomidana ashidj nījwāswe | 32 |
78: seventy-eight | Soixante-et-dix-huit | Nījwāsomidana ashidj nishwaswe | 32 |
79: seventy-nine | Soixante-et-dix-neuf | Nījwāsomidana ashidj shāngaswe | 32 |
80: eighty | Quatre-vingt | Nishwāsomidana | 32 |
81: eighty-one | Quatre-vingt-un | Nishwāsomidana ashidj pejik | 33 |
82: eighty-two | Quatre-vingt-deux | Nishwāsomidana ashidj nīj | 33 |
83: eighty-three | Quatre-vingt-trois | Nishwāsomidana ashidj niswe | 33 |
84: eighty-four | Quatre-vingt-quatre | Nishwāsomidana ashidj new | 33 |
85: eighty-five | Quatre-vingt-cinq | Nishwāsomidana ashidj nānan | 33 |
86: eighty-six | Quatre-vingt-six | Nishwāsomidana ashidj nigodwāswe | 33 |
87: eighty-seven | Quatre-vingt-sept | Nishwāsomidana ashidj nījwāswe | 33 |
88: eighty-eight | Quatre-vingt-huit | Nishwāsomidana ashidj nishwāswe | 33 |
89: eighty-nine | Quatre-vingt-neuf | Nishwāsomidana ashidj shāngaswe | 33 |
90: ninety | Quatre-vingt-dix | Shāngasomidana | 33 |
91: ninety-one | Quatre-vingt-onze | Shāngasomidana ashidj pejik | 34 |
92: ninety-two | Quatre-vingt-douze | Shāngasomidana ashidj nīj | 34 |
93: ninety-three | Quatre-vingt-treize | Shāngasomidana ashidj niswe | 34 |
94: ninety-four | Quatre-vingt-quatorze | Shāngasomidana ashidj new | 34 |
95: ninety-five | Quatre-vingt-quinze | Shāngasomidana ashidj nānan | 34 |
96: ninety-six | Quatre-vingt-seize | Shāngasomidana ashidj nīgodwāswe | 34 |
97: ninety-seven | Quatre-vingt-dix-sept | Shāngasomidana ashidj nījwāswe | 34 |
98: ninety-eight | Quatre-vingt-dix-huit | Shāngasomidana ashidj nishwāswe | 34 |
99: ninety-nine | Quatre-vingt-dix-neuf | Shāngasomidana ashidj shāngaswe | 34 |
100: one hundred | Cent | Mitāsomidana | 34 |
Past & present expressions | Expressions marquant le temps | Pinawego | 141 | |
Today | Aujourd’hui | Ongājigak | 141 |
Now | Maintenant | Nongom | 141 |
After | Après | Ishkwāyadj | 141 |
Tonight | Ce soir | Onāgoshig | 141 |
Tomorrow | Demain | Wābang | 141 |
Yesterday | Hier | Chīnāgo | 141 |
Year | Année | Pibōn | 141 |
Long ago | II y a longtemps | Pinawego | 141 |
Common words / phrases: | Expressions communes | Mōnjag ābadakin ikodowin | 142 | |
Hello | Bonjour / Hello | Kwey | 142 |
Goodbye | Au revoir | Mādjāshin | 142 |
I will see you again | Je vous reverrai / À bientôt | Ka wābmin minawādj | 142 |
Welcome (entering a room) | Bienvenue | Pījashig | 142 |
You’re welcome | Vous êtes bienvenue | Kàn godisinon | 142 |
Please | S’il-te-plait / S’il-vous-plait | Enābigis | 143 |
Thank-you | Merci | Mīgwech | 143 |
Yes | Oui | Enhenh | 143 |
No | Non | Kā / kāwin | 143 |
Come here | Viens ici / Venez ici | Ondās ōndi | 143 |
Wait | Attends / Attendez ici | Pāpiwon | 143 |
Listen | Écoute / Écoutez | Pizindān | 143 |
How do you say __ ? | Comment dites-vous _? Comment dis-tu _? | Anin ikidon? | 143 |
Breakfast | Déjeuner(Canada) / Petit déjeuner (France) | Kigijeba-wīsiniwin | 143 |
Lunch | Dîner (Canada) / Déjeuner (France) | Apitōzam wīsiniwin | 143 |
Supper | Souper (Canada) / Dîner (France) | Onāgoshi-wīsināniwang | 144 |
Snack | Collation | Nawapon | 144 |
How are you? | Comment vas-tu (allez-vous)? | Anin eji pimādizin? | 144 |
I’m fine and you? | Je vais bien, et toi (vous)? | Ni mino-pimādiz, kin dash? | 144 |
I’m not feeling well and you? | Je ne me sens pas bien, et toi (vous)? | Kan miwāyasi, kin dash? | 144 |
What is your name? | Quel est ton (votre) nom? | Anin ijinikāzo-yan? | 144 |
My name is ____ and you? | Mon nom est_____, et toi (vous)? | ____________ni-dijinikāz, kin dash? | 144 |
Where do you come from? | D’où viens-tu (venez-vous)? | Andi wendjiban? | 145 |
I come from ____ and you? | Je viens de______, et toi (vous)? | _____________nidondjibā, kin dash? | 145 |
Good morning | Bonjour / Bon matin | Mino kijebāwagad | 145 |
Good night | Bonne nuit | Mino onāgoshi | 145 |
Where do you work? | Où travailles-tu (travaillez-vous)? | Andi endaji ondamitān? | 145 |
Where do you go to school? | Où vas-tu (allez-vous) à l’école | Andi endaji kikināmagon? | 145 |
How is the weather outside? | Quel temps fait-il? | Anin ejiwebāk agwadjīng? | 145 |
It is time to sleep | C’est le temps de dormir / C’est le temps d’aller au lit | Niban | 146 |
It is time to wake up | C’est le temps de se lever | Koshkozin / wanishkān | 146 |
I am tired | Je suis fatigué | Nindayekoz | 146 |
Are you tired? | Es-tu (êtes-vous) fatigué? | Kidayekoz-na? | 146 |
I am hungry | J’ai faim | Ni wi-wīsin | 146 |
Do you want to eat? | Veux-tu (voulez-vous) manger? | Ki wiwisin na? | 146 |
I am eating | Je mange | Ni wīsin | 146 |
It is time to eat | C’est l’heure de manger | Wīsinin | 146 |
Are you hungry? | As-tu (avez-vous) faim? | Ki wīwisin na? | 147 |
I am cooking | Je cuisine | Ni chībākwe | 147 |
Are you sick? | Es-tu (êtes-vous) malade? | Kidākoz-na? | 147 |
I am sick | Je suis malade | Nindākoz | 147 |
I am sore | Je suis endolori | Ni kāgidiz | 147 |
Who? | Qui? | Awenen? | 147 |
What? | Quoi? | Awegonen? | 147 |
When? | Quand? | Ānin-apīch? | 147 |
Where? | Où? | Andī? | 147 |
Why? | Pourquoi? | Awegonen-ondji? | 147 |
That? | Cela? | Awaso? | 148 |
I love you | Je t’aime / Je vous aime | Ki sagiyan | 148 |
I miss you | Tu me manques / Vous me manquez | Ki gwīnomin | 148 |
I am hunting | Je chasse | Nin d’anoki | 148 |
I am happy | Je suis heureux | Ni pāpinenindam | 148 |
I am hot | J’ai chaud | Ni kijināmoz | 148 |
I am cold | J’ai froid | Ni kīkadj | 148 |
I am thirsty | J’ai soif | Ni nibāgwe | 148 |
Do you want a drink? | Veux-tu (voulez-vous) quelque chose à boire? | Ki wi minikwe na? | 149 |
Text me | Texte-moi | Ojibīhimawoshin | 149 |
Call me | Appelle-moi | Madwesida-mawichin | 149 |
I am trying to learn/speak Algonquin | J’essaie d’apprendre / de parler l’algonquin | Ni kwagwejitō kiji anishinabe-moyan | 149 |
That’s it / the end | C’est tout / Fin | Mīye | 149 |